Hair Transplant Latest News

All information and latest news about hair transplantation


Many men and women who are experiencing hair loss problems want to have a hair transplant but they are curious about whether hair transplantation is a painful surgery or not.


The short answer is no!


Thanks to the painless hair transplant anesthesia device we use, painless hair transplant surgeries become possible.


Since the tip of the anesthesia device is 5 times thinner than the smallest medical needle in the world, it provides a more comfortable operation experience by ensuring that no pain is felt by the brain.


If you are experiencing hair loss and looking for a permanent solution, hair transplant surgery may be the right choice for you. At GOLD FUE HAIR CLINIC, we offer safe and effective FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant surgery in Antalya that can help you restore your hairline and regain your confidence.

Our experienced hair restoration specialists use the latest techniques and technologies to provide natural-looking results. During the FUE hair transplant surgery, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and transplanted to the balding or thinning area. This technique is minimally invasive and leaves no visible scarring.

At GOLD FUE HAIR CLINIC, we understand the emotional impact that hair loss can have on your life. That's why we are committed to providing personalized care and attention to each and every patient. Our team of experts will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that suits your unique needs and goals.

We use state-of-the-art equipment and advanced techniques to ensure that our patients receive the best possible results. Our FUE hair transplant surgery is safe, effective, and minimally invasive, with a short recovery time.

Don't let hair loss affect your quality of life any longer. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a more confident you with safe and effective hair transplant surgery with GOLD FUE HAIR CLINIC in Antalya.


Get a natural glow and healthy hair with PRP treatment in Antalya. Our clinic offers safe and effective PRP therapy to rejuvenate your skin and hair. Book a consultation today.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment is a safe and effective therapy that uses your body's own growth factors to rejuvenate your skin and hair. If you are looking for a non-surgical and natural way to achieve a healthy glow and luscious hair, PRP treatment may be the right choice for you.

At Gold Fue Hair Clinic, we offer PRP treatment services in Antalya that are designed to rejuvenate your skin and hair. Our experienced and skilled technicians use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure that our patients receive the best possible results.

Our PRP treatment involves drawing a small amount of blood from your arm, processing it in a centrifuge to isolate the platelet-rich plasma, and then injecting the plasma back into the treatment area. The plasma contains growth factors that promote cell growth and regeneration, which can help to rejuvenate your skin and hair.

At Gold Fue Hair Clinic, we offer a range of PRP treatments, including facial PRP, hair PRP, and joint PRP. Our team of experts will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that suits your unique needs and goals.

Don't let dull and lifeless skin or hair affect your confidence any longer. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a healthier and more vibrant you with our PRP treatment services in Antalya.


Hair loss is a common problem that affects both men and women. If you are experiencing hair loss and looking for a safe and effective solution, our clinic in Antalya can help. We offer a range of hair loss treatment options that are designed to help you restore your hair and regain your confidence.




At Gold Fue Hair Clinic, our experienced team use the latest techniques and technologies to provide safe and effective hair loss treatments. We offer a range of solutions, including FUE hair transplant, PRP therapy, and mesotherapy, to help you achieve the best possible results.




Our team of experts will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that suits your unique needs and goals. We understand the emotional toll that hair loss can take on your confidence and self-esteem, and we are committed to helping you restore your hair and feel confident again.




At Gold Fue Hair Clinic, we use advanced techniques and technologies to ensure that our patients receive the best possible results. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care and attention to each and every patient.




Don't let hair loss affect your quality of life any longer. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards effective hair loss treatment with our Hair Transplant Clinic in Antalya.


Get a Fuller Beard with Beard Transplant in Antalya

Are you struggling with patchy or thin facial hair? Our beard transplant services in Antalya can give you a fuller, more masculine beard. Book a consultation with our experts today.

If you are struggling with patchy or thin facial hair, a beard transplant could be the solution you've been looking for. Our clinic offers beard transplant services in Antalya that can give you a fuller, more masculine beard.

At our clinic, we understand that every patient's needs are different. That's why our experienced surgeons will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that suits your unique requirements. We use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure that our patients receive the best possible results.

Our beard transplant procedure involves extracting hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting them to the beard area. This method ensures that your transplanted hair looks and feels natural. Our team of experts has helped many patients from around the world achieve a fuller, more masculine beard.

We take pride in providing our patients with the highest quality care. We offer a free consultation to help you understand the process and answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to help you achieve the look you desire and boost your confidence.

Don't let patchy or thin facial hair hold you back any longer. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a fuller, more masculine beard with our beard transplant services in Antalya.


Hair loss can be a distressing experience, but with the Pen Method hair transplant in Antalya, you can restore your hair and your confidence. The Pen Method is a minimally invasive hair restoration technique that offers natural-looking results with minimal scarring.


What is DHI Pen Method Hair Transplant?


The Dhi Pen Method, also known as the Choi Technique, is a hair transplant technique that involves using a special needle to implant individual hair follicles into the recipient area. The needle is designed to minimize damage to the scalp, resulting in less scarring and a quicker recovery time.


The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days. The Dhi Pen Method is ideal for people who have a limited donor supply or want to avoid a large incision or stitches.


Why Choose Antalya for Dhi Pen Method Hair Transplant?


Antalya is a popular destination for medical tourism, offering high-quality medical treatments at affordable prices.


In addition to the expertise of the hair transplant surgeons, Antalya offers a comfortable and relaxing environment for recovery. The city is located on the Mediterranean coast, offering stunning views and a warm climate that is perfect for post-surgery relaxation.


Achieve Natural-Looking Results with Dhi Pen Method Hair Transplant in Antalya


If you're considering hair transplant surgery, the Dhi Pen Method hair transplant in Antalya is a great option. With this technique, you can achieve natural-looking results with minimal scarring and a quicker recovery time. To learn more about the Dhi Pen Method hair transplant in Antalya and to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced hair expert, contact us today.


Eyebrow transplant is a life-changing procedure that can help you rediscover your natural beauty and confidence.


Whether you desire fuller, well-defined eyebrows or wish to restore what has been lost, this innovative technique offers a permanent solution for achieving beautifully shaped eyebrows.

Schedule a consultation with a reputable eyebrow transplant specialist to embark on the journey towards a more vibrant and confident you.


Plaukų persodinimas Antalyoje - saugi ir efektyvi plaukų atkūrimo procedūra.


Mūsų klinikoje Antalyoje siūlome saugią ir efektyvią plaukų persodinimo procedūrą. Gauti natūraliai atrodančius plaukus - neįmanoma!


Susisiekite su mumis ir rezervuokite konsultaciją jau dabar. Plaukų slinkimas yra dažna problema, kuri paveikia tiek vyrus, tiek moteris.


Jei jūs patiriate plaukų slinkimą ir ieškote saugios ir efektyvios plaukų atkūrimo procedūros, mūsų klinikoje Antalyoje galite gauti aukštos kokybės plaukų persodinimo paslaugas.


GoldHair pasitelkia patyrusius plaukų persodinimo specialistus ir naudoja pažangiausias technologijas, kad pasiektų natūraliai atrodančius rezultatus. Plaukų persodinimo procedūra yra saugi ir efektyvi - per procedūrą iš gretimo plauko sritys yra ištraukiami plauko folikulai, kurie yra persodinami į tuščią plaukų sritys. Ši technika yra minimaliai invazyvi ir nepalieka matomų randų.


Gold Hair supranta, kokią emociją gali sukelti plaukų slinkimas. Todėl mūsų komanda dirba kruopščiai su kiekvienu pacientu ir siekia sukurti individualią gydymo programą, atitinkančią jūsų unikalias poreikius ir tikslus. Mes naudojame naujausias įrangas ir pažangiausias technologijas, kad užtikrintume geriausius įmanomus rezultatus.


Mūsų plaukų persodinimo procedūra yra saugi, efektyvi ir minimaliai invazyvi, o atsigavimo laikotarpis yra trumpas. Nedelskite - susisiekite su mumis jau dabar ir užsiregistruokite konsultacijai. Tai yra pirmas žingsnis link natūraliai atrodančių plaukų atkūrimo su Gold Hair Transplant.


Hair transplant duration varies according to many factors like the number of grafts transplanted and the technique applied.

The number of grafts planted in the areas where the person has hair loss and the grafts to be transplanted from the donor area determines the general duration of this operation.


A healthy transplanted hair is formed from the grafts planted in the areas where the person is bald.

The donor area is the area at the back of the person's head between the two ears.


What are the Procedures Applied in Hair Transplantation?

 In hair transplantation operations, hair transplantation procedures and techniques will be applied according to the thickness of the hair of the person and if there is a problem of baldness.

These techniques can vary completely depending on the adequacy and health of the person's grafts.

Generally, hair transplant takes between 6 to 8 hours and should be performed by a team of experts in a reliable hospital.


How is Hair Transplantation Applied?


 Hair transplantation is transplanting hair to the balding parts by removing the hair grafts from the areas with healthy grafts from the back of the head. This process is technically an easily applicable process in the last 10 years.


Are you experiencing hair loss and looking for a reliable hair transplant clinic in Antalya? Look no further!



At Our Clinic, we understand the emotional toll that hair loss can take on your confidence and self-esteem. That's why we use the latest techniques and technologies to help you restore your hair and regain your confidence.


Our team of experts has helped hundreds of patients regain their natural-looking hair and confidence. We also offer free consultations to help you understand the process and answer any questions you may have.



Don't let hair loss affect your quality of life any longer. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards restoring your hair and confidence.


If you're considering a hair transplant but don't want to shave your head, you're not alone. Many people are hesitant to undergo the procedure because of the need to shave the donor area before surgery. However, with unshaven hair transplant in Antalya, you can get a natural-looking result without sacrificing your hair length.




What is Unshaven Hair Transplant?


Unshaven hair transplant is a technique that allows hair transplant expert to harvest and implant hair follicles without shaving the recipient area. Instead of shaving the entire head, only small areas around the donor and recipient sites are trimmed to allow for the extraction and placement of hair follicles.


This technique is ideal for people who want to maintain their current hair length or have a specific hairstyle they want to preserve. It's also a great option for people who are self-conscious about their hair loss and don't want to draw attention to the fact that they are undergoing a hair transplant.




Why Choose Antalya for Unshaven Hair Transplant?


Antalya is a popular destination for medical tourism, offering high-quality medical treatments at affordable prices.


In addition to the expertise of the hair transplant surgeons, Antalya offers a comfortable and relaxing environment for recovery. The city is located on the Mediterranean coast, offering stunning views and a warm climate that is perfect for post-surgery relaxation.


Get a Natural Look with Unshaven Hair Transplant in Antalya




If you're looking for a hair transplant solution that won't require you to shave your head, unshaven hair transplant in Antalya is a great option. With this technique, you can achieve a natural-looking result that will blend seamlessly with your existing hair.


To learn more about unshaven hair transplant in Antalya and to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced team, contact us today.


Hair transplant operation takes around 6 - 8 hours on average.


During this period, necessary tests, front line drawing, surgery planning, graft taking, lunch break, transplantation of grafts, and important details that the patient should know about after the surgery are included.


 Design Phase and Natural Hair Line Drawing


• We analyze your hair and your image and we decide together the most natural design that suits you.

• We create your front-line lines and check if your hair follicles are suitable. We decide how many roots are needed for you and move on to the next step.


 Local Anesthesia


• Thanks to the painless local anesthesia application, we perform your hair transplantation procedures without feeling any pain or ache. In this way, you will feel a local numbness and you will be completely conscious.

• There will be no pain after anesthesia. Any pain, aches, scars, etc., during or after the operation will be elemeinated


Grafts Removal from the Donor Area


• The most fertile grafts are determined and taken from the donor area to the area to be transplanted. Taken grafts are prepared in special solutions for planting. Each graft is taken carefully and without any deterioration in its structure so that the hair continue to grow in their new places with the same efficiency.


Hair Transplantation Begins


• The collected hair grafts are placed with special tips by experienced specialists, according to the natural direction of hair growth.


This is very important for a natural hair transplant result. If this stage is not done correctly, the result can be artificial-looking hair.


The operation takes place in 6-8 hours and after the end of the operation, patients can continue their normal lives.




• Our expert team provides detailed information about the products to be used and the issues to be considered immediately after the operation.


Our patients are followed up for 1 year, and by keeping in constant communication, the hair is ensured to grow most efficiently as soon as possible.

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